ACTI provides a dedicated solution to speed up market entry for start up companies willing to spread breakthrough medical technologies in Europe and globally.
We are an independent strategic and operational marketing consulting firm with headquarters in Lyon, France. We are solely working with Medical Device and Life Science companies. Geographically, we work globally.
Europe represents a huge opportunity for start ups, but has a complex and potentially costly funding, regulatory, reimbursement and business environments. Companies willing to succeed need both technical and market expertise from Managers who understand their constraints.
ACTI offers a unique and flexible partnership with executives who have a proven track record within the medical device business environment at CEO and Management level.
Our core competencies (start ups structuring, financing, market knowledge, data gathering, analysis models and focus on execution) and our process methodology are the building blocks for the quality we deliver. We try hard to provide our clients with pragmatic, actionable advice.
We work alongside with our clients on their structuring, financing and marketing challenges. In providing financing consulting services, we have one objective: assist our clients with practical advice in order for them to structure their project more effectively and to secure funding from the right investors. Collecting the appropriate market data is in many cases a prerequisite to providing our clients with sound business advice.
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