
Naš namen je nenehen razvoj ponudbe, v skrbi za zdravje in dvigu kakovosti življenja uporabnikov naših izdelkov. Ukvarjamo se z prodajo medicinskih pripomočkov na področju kirurgije, dermatologije, diagnostike in veterine. Ustvarjamo tržne niše z inovativnimi izdelki , ki temeljijo na preverjeni kakovosti in so skladni z veljavnimi standardi. Z svojimi izdelki smo prisotni v Sloveniji, Srbiji, Makedoniji, Črni Gori ter na Hrvaškem.

Our purpose is constant development of the product range, with the desire to provide health care and raising the quality of life of our customers. We sell medical devices in the fields of surgery, dermatology, diagnostics and veterinary medicine. We create market niches with innovative products that are based on proven quality and in compliance with valid standards. We are present with our products in Slovenia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Croatia.

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