AFTAB GOSTARAN ALBORZ (AGA) Co., Ltd. start date backs to 2001 when it involved in the medical research and development projects.
In the early years of activity, the company attempted to carry out design and installation solution projects of high-tech medical devices in the hospitals like Sleep Lab network, PSG network and IOM.
Due to the growing trend of company and being familiar with the market and clients, the trading of medical equipments and instruments was added to its activities.
EMG and EEG (Medelec), ECG, Holter Monitoring and Stress Test System (Mortara), Defibrillator (Medtronic and Philips) as equipments and Accessories of EMG, EEG, ECG as well as Defibrillator Pads as consumable instruments are the main medical goods which AGA was working professionally on them in the territory of country.
From 2010, AGA accepted a request of being sole dealer from a Surgical and Skin Stapler distributor because of its wide range costumer network and connections.
According to the market situation, marketing advices and skillful team beside the valuable references and experiences, the company has decided to enter to the stapler market as an official exclusive representative. Advance and unique technology as well as high quality are the minimum requirements.
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