The 384 Elements ATL Wireless Ultrasound Scanners represent a mix of clinical philosophy and technology, allowing everybody in healthcare field to carry out any kind of ultrasound with all applicable algorithms, both existing and future.
The growth and achievement in these market segments in the last few years have been giving our probes such a development and attactiveness which pushed the staff of every university department, hospital, emergency, first aid, helicopter rescue and nurses to equip with the 384 Elements ATL Wireless Ultrasound Scanners.
These scanners have all European, American and flight medical and technical certifications and the medical certified tablet.
Our mission is to give everybody the possibility to have an ultrasound phonendoscope at affordable prices, but with high quality performance, easy and friendly to use and perfect also in sterile field. Infact, since our ultrasound phonendoscope has no cable connections to external sources (monitor, cart, etc.), there are no risks for your patients to be contaminated by bacterical colonies.
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