Cairn Diagnostics is a specialized, innovative life sciences company focused on pioneering, manufacturing, validating, and obtaining FDA approvals for novel breath tests intended for routine use in diagnostic medicine. Cairn manufactures orally administered substrates labeled with a safe, non-radioactive stable isotope of carbon, carbon-13 (13C), to generate diagnostically accurate, safe, and conveniently administered breath tests. Cairn serves community-based practices and partners with university-based researchers, medical device, and pharmaceutical companies.
CAIRN Diagnostics 13C-Spirulina Gastric Emptying Breath Test (GEBT) is intended for use in the measurement of the rate of gastric emptying of solids and as an aid in the diagnosis of delayed gastric emptying (gastroparesis) in adults. GEBT is an FDA-approved, non-radioactive, non-invasive, orally administered, standardized, office-based test. GEBT was validated against the 4-hour gold standard reference method of gastric scintigraphy (Mayo, Rochester). GEBT can be administered in the physician’s office and does not require specialized imaging equipment, licensed facilities or personnel, or radioactive material. Breath samples are sent by overnight courier to Cairn’s CLIA clinical laboratory and analyzed on FDA approved, high precision, gas isotope ratio mass spectrometers. A comprehensive gastric emptying report is then sent to the ordering physician through a secure online portal.
Company’s Keywords:
supplying test kits for rapid, accurate identification of gastroparesis