Compliant concept is a market leader in the Pressure ulcer and Fall prevention business. Our Swiss-designed and produced innovative solutions help medical professionals significantly increase patient care quality and relieve nurse’s and doctor’s workload, avoiding unnecessary tasks, making hospitals more attractive for both patients and employees.
We see ourselves as partners to health care professionals and work closely with them to achieve common goals. Our aim is to support hospitals and homes with our equipment to deliver safe, efficient and trouble-free patient and (nursing) staff experience.
Patient-centric care is the essence of our business and solutions; therefore, we stay true to our motto: “innovations for a better life”. We care passionately about patient safety.
Company’s Keywords:
patienten sicherheit, dekubitusprophylaxe, sturzprophylaxe, mobility monitor, active mobilisation system, pflegequalitat, pflegequalitatsentwicklung, patienten schlafqualitat, patienten zentrierte pflege, patienten zentrierte versorgung, mobilitat