UPDATE: As of 11/13/2020, CMI has left its mask prototype in good hands, with its partners. However, CMI is stepping away from further contribution and is in the process of closing down.
The Plight: There is not enough infrastructure inside the U.S. to sustain ourselves during a time of pandemic. Although the U.S. is friend to many nations, we must develop a balanced infrastructure by re-shoring domestic production.
CMI will create standard and premium PPE products.
CMI is sensitive to the counterfeit and illegal PPE brokering deals, so soon, it will share a video of the facilities here, on Instagram, and on Twitter.
CMI is headquartered in Dallas, Tx but has a place of performance in Fort Worth, Tx. It is a for-profit company born out of and named after the Coronavirus pandemic. Its vision is to create manufacturing solutions for this and future pandemics.
Company’s Keywords: