Mina Grane Borna Company started operating under the Dishdal brand in 2018 (www.dishdal.ir) . currently we operates among the top three dental websites in Iran. So far, more than 3,000 people have signed in on the website and made purchases from us. According to our SEO rank in google we are well-known to Iranian dentists. We are the online representative of distributors brands in Iran. The products we sell are from countries such as the United States, Japan , Italy, Switzerland, Germany and South Korea,…. including brands such as 3M ,Densply , GC, NSK ,Morita, Kuraray,…. That is more 200 brands . We also sell various categories such as endo prosthetic restorative products and equipment. Also, most of our sales have been related to composite bonding cement, sealer, rotary file and implant A Silicon materials products , implant motor , Rotary motor ,handpiece,..
Also, during this period, we have done a lot of research on the Iranian implant market. According to close related to extensive number of dentist , we have conducted several extensive surveys and have several proposals about the Iranian market, especially in the field of implants and prosthetic parts.
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