Dyonmed and the healthcare professional break new grounds in establishing a direct and reliable diagnosis for the patient at the point of care and the point of need. Evaluating the course of treatment by means of suitable point of care devices complements the clinical evaluation by the medical professional, thereby awarding a patient with new choices.
While some professionals may be interested in performing prevention medicine in their practices, they often lack the means to do so. By providing with cutting edge Point of Care diagnostic tools to medical professionals, Dyonmed can now assist them to orient patients toward disease prevention. This orientation elevates the professional to a new level of patient management as opposed to standard practices of “combating the patient disease”.
Finally, as disease prevention costs are just a tiny fraction of disease treatment costs, medical practitioners applying Point of Care devices and services contribute strongly to the containment of total payer-borne healthcare costs, thus offering a great service to the society.Through the introduction of Point of Care Dyonmed strives to catalyze amelioration of medical services thereby contributing to patients and to the community as a whole. Dyonmed will thus leave its mark in the healthcare sector of Greece and other nearby countries it operates in. Point of Care is a relatively novel medical practice that has been gaining momentum in the developed countries over the last twenty years. Point of Care endows the healthcare professional to assess directly and reliably certain diagnostic variables of the patient at the point where such assessments are needed.
Practicing Point of Care medicine does not require any special laboratory instrumentation other than using the devices themselves. Therefore Point of Care can be applied to any patient at any location and time point (e.g. at the practice, in the ambulance, on the field.).
Point of Care is literally a platform of diagnostic products that usually exploit the high affinity and specificity of the antibody-antigen reaction. All our Point of Care rapid diagnostic products have been approved by the US FDA, as well as the European Regulatory Authorities. Moreover, Point of Care products enjoy a prominent role in and diagnostic algorithms and therapeutic formularies of many developed countries. For example, the US Center of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) or the UK National Institute of Clinical Excellence strongly supports the wide usage of Point of Care devices in medicine.
Company’s Keywords:
point of care, diagnosis, treatment evaluation, prevention, consulting services, gastroenterology, infectious diseases, pediatrics, cardiovascular diseases, primary care, secondary prevention, helicobacter pylori, inflammatory bowel syndrome, inflammatory diseases, hepatitis b or c