Innovation with a purpose: helping people hear better every day.
Product lines: Dry & Store®, EarTech TV Audio, TransEar®, Clik®, EarTech Music
Ear Technology Corporation’s hallmark is innovation with a purpose – helping people hear better everyday. Our history is made up of practical, real-world solutions to unmet needs in the hearing healthcare marketplace, and with uncompromising quality.
We’re based in Johnson City, Tennessee. Products currently manufactured and distributed by ETC include the Dry & Store® conditioning system for hearing instruments, TransEar®, a bone conduction hearing instrument for individuals with single-sided deafness, and Clik®, an innovative open-fit hearing aid. (TransEar and Clik are available only through licensed hearing healthcare professionals.)
Company’s Keywords:
technology, dry, store care for hearing instruments of all types, transear for singlesided deafness, clik open fit digital hearing aid empowering you, eartech music custom iems, hearing protection active electronic & passive