EasyRadiology is the smartest referring portal for radiologists: patients receive their examination immediately as a simple document – without any CD/DVD. Your referring physicians can view the images instantly from any location at any time, even via direct portal access. This saves you material, time, and plastic. EasyRadiology works with any RIS/PACS – by physicians for physicians.
As a market leader in digital health and Germany’s No. 1 in digital
pathology, we provide easy-to-use solutions for the entire workflow
of medical imaging.
Our focus is to enable physicians to speed up and improve the diagnostic
process by sending their radiology images and histology slides digitally. Thus, specialists can efficiently work together, sharing their skills,
cases, and studies — anywhere, anytime with PC/Mac, laptop, tablet,
or smartphone. Diagnoses are speed up and improved — for a better
patient outcome and for concise scientific study results.
Our products are developed in daily exchange with radiologists,
pathologists, and oncologists — by physicians for physicians. This is
one of the reasons why leading institutes choose our smart solutions.
Company’s Keywords:
radiology, healthcare, radiologie, ris, pacs, ehealth, it radiologie, digital health