Enproject Medicali is proposed as a valid partner for public and private hospitals in managing and controlling chemical / biological risks and preventing nosocomial infections.
The company and the production are totally Made in Italy and are located in Marsciano (Perugia), oper-atating in the Italian and international high-tech biomedical market, producing and selling medical devices for the sterilization and disinfection of liquid waste and medical equipment.
A specialized team is dedicated to the design and manufacturing processes, as well as the registration of the brand, production certification, marketing and commercial up to the customer service.
Our knowledge comes from years of experience and research in collaboration with medical staff and well-known Italian universities such as: Retrovirus Center Department of Experimental Pathology of the Sant’Anna University of Pisa and Policlinico Campus Biomedico Roma in Clinical bio-engineering.
ENPROJECT MEDICALI SRL’s mission is to develop an innovative offer based on continuous biomedical re-search, with the main objective to improve the hospital ecosystem.
We operate according to the principles sanctioned by the European standard committee (CEN). Certifications: ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 13485, ISO 17025: 2005, ISO 14155.1 and 2, ISO 62366 Usability Engineering, CEI EN 60601 1/2, CEI EN 61010.1.
All our devices are compliant with the new European regulation 745/2017
Company’s Keywords:
economia circolare, biomedicale, risk management