Fujian Kang Chen Daily Necessities Co., Ltd, K0450, KN95 masks 57793. is one of the 14 EUA CDC whitelist MANUFACTURERS approved by FDA.
KN95 EUA CDC whitelist manufacturer, KN95 mask under the appendix list manufacturers Fujian Kang chen
Appendix A: Authorized Respirators in accordance with CDC’s recommendations
Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China
Updated: May 28, 2020
The Authorized Respirators Authorized respirators should be used in accordance with CDC’s recommendations. For the most current CDC recommendations on optimizing respirator use, please visit CDC’s webpage: Strategies for Optimizing the Supply of N95 Respirators. Authorized Imported, Non-NIOSH Approved Respirators Manufactured in China
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