Gerdanna Salud was born on November 1, 1998 with the purpose of providing, then, a thorough study of the market, the most urgent needs in the Health area, the agreement, the needs and needs of each of its entities.
This coverage is provided through an extensive Network of Providers throughout the National Territory, benefiting from around 2,000,000 associates and jealously guarding the quality and excellence of said Network, committing ourselves day by day to optimizing each of the services provided.
GERDANNA SALUD, through its R.E.D., is the Company that covers Ushuaia to La Quiaca with the Providers Network.
Company’s Keywords:
cobertura nacional, emergencias transito, asistencia medica ambulatoria, unidades de traslado, clinica odontologica propia, enfermeria a domicilio, red de centros medicos, traslados programados, servicio odontomovil, red farmacias descuento, urgencias odontologicas, enfermeria, odontologia general, internacion domiciliaria, emergencia y urgencias, medicina laboral