HoloZcan addresses the Secure societies Work Programme – Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens, H2020-SU-DRS04-2019-2020: Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) cluster. The topic supports technologies and innovations in the field of CBRN that are developed by companies that often face difficulties in bringing them to markets.
The project and its resulting device HoloZcan will increase (environmental and exhaled) bio-aerosol sensing/measurement capability of CBRN practitioners (police, relief workers, disaster managers, crisis managers, stakeholders responsible for public safety, critical infrastructure and service providers) by developing a high resolution, large throughput, automatic and highly portable detection system for making automatic classification of pathogens and particles.
Company’s Keywords:
cbrn, biosafety, biodetector, pathogens detection, pathogens identification