Italortopedia SRL produces and distributes orthopedic medical devices for both retail and resellers.
It offers services such as on-site baropodometric exams and customized insoles, as well as consultancy for ASL practices.
It follows its customers at 360 °.
Our extensive product catalog includes medical and personal protective devices, such as masks, sanitizers, gloves, pulse oximeters, insoles, footwear and much more in the orthopedic and medical fields.
Our company supplies both retail and retailers and wholesalers, as well as participating in public tenders.
Company’s Keywords:
ortopedia, import export, mascherine, prodotti medici, pratiche asl, presidi medici, prodotti ortopedici, dispositivi protezione individuale, gare appalto pubbliche, dispositivi medicali, esami baropodrometrici