LifeTags is a web-based Personal Medical Information Management System that will provide critical lifesaving information at an accident scene or emergency. Anytime… Anywhere…
Through the use of branded LifeTags items it provides emergency medical personnel the relevant information to help save the LifeTags members’ life, by using any internet connected device like an iPad, Tablet, Smartphone or PC. Being internet based, makes it ideal in any environment or situation, be it the workplace, at sporting events or for the safety of children and the elderly. Easily accessible from any computer, smartphone or tablet by entering the member’s name and personalized code for all the relevant information to be displayed. LifeTags members and their families have the peace of mind knowing that, in the event of an accident or emergency, their loved ones can be contacted, their personal medical conditions will be available to emergency medical personnel and their specific needs will be catered to properly.
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