
At Oftalmedia LLC we count with 25 years of experience providing professional products for Ophthalmic Surgery and Eye Banks. We are exclusive authorized representatives of Al.Chi.Mi.A. Srl in US and Latin America, Aktive Srl for LATAM and Molteno3®for select regions.

Company’s Keywords:

aceite de silicona, fibrooptics, trocars, azul tripano, perfluorocarbons, vitrectomy cutters, colorantes retinales, vitreo retinal, c6f2, liquidos pesados, viewilm retinal staining, silicone oil, ophthalmic gases, kerasave, eusolc, gases oftalmicos, twin retinal staining, eye banking, eyedro, single use retinal instruments, retinal liquids, sf6, perfluorocarbonos, c3f8

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