OSTAR Healthcare Technology Global Headquarters, based in Vancouver, WA, specializes in providing you with a unique approach to helping you reach your specific health goals. OSTAR;s unique applications are in lockstep with global healthcare reform and US Based, PPACA Accountable Care Organizations (ACO). OSTAR offers a comprehensive suite of next generation predictive patient monitoring powered by advanced predictive blood pressure algorithms, providing improved patient care and productivity. Our solutions are in lockstep with the current Accountable Care Act Imperatives (PPACA) in the USA. At the heart of all OSTAR system is our patented (3SI) Interpretive Blood Pressure Algorithm.
3SI (Three Simultaneous Cardiac Interpretations), changes the game for physicians and patient alike, providing early warning predisease indicators for;
•Valve Malfunction,
•Coronary Artery Disease
•Cardiac Arrhythmia.
OSTAR offers configured and module patient monitors enabling a patient centric customized monitoring experience for acute, ambulatory, and home care environments. The OSTAR patient monitoring system also provides state-of-the-art global connectivity demonstrated by direct hospital interface (HIS) connectivity, WIFI, Wireless and USB connectivity. OSTAR is committed to real time connectivity and clinical results between clinician’s and their patients globally, in home, physician office or the acute care environment.
Company’s Keywords:
cardiology, predictive blood pressure monitoring, patient monitoring, accountable care