PORTA DENTISTES is the PORTA family dental clinic, a family closely linked to trusted medicine.
First it was our grandfather, Dr.Joan Porta, very appreciated by his great medical intuition in a rural environment.
Then it was his son, Dr.Jordi Porta, well-known stomatologist in his neighborhood in Barcelona.
Now with my brother Dr.Oriol Porta we complete the knowledge inherited with the latest advances in dentistry.
Nowadays, thousands of patients are still considering us as their trusted dentists, for us the patient is the most important thing and every day we work so that he is always satisfied.
Company’s Keywords:
ortodoncia, endodoncia, protesis dental, odontopediatria, odontologia de confianza, odontologia de prevencion, tartrectomia, medicina de confianza, ortodoncia invisible, excelencia dental, periodoncia, estetica dental, implantologia dental, oclusion, ortopantomografia dental, higienista dental