Rehadapt is a global leader in manufacturing of specialized mounting systems. Mounts to fixate tablets and devices onto wheelchairs, beds, tables & more.
We build a complete ecosystem of mounting components. In a smart, modular way we can mount more or less anything, anywhere and provide it at all phases of the day.
Yet the great challenge is not just that – any mechanical problem can get solved by throwing enough resources at it. The real touchstone is solving the problems without adding more complexity to the client’s life. In daily use, with various caregivers, in ever changing situations, the equipment needs to just work… intuitively, reliably, and simple.
We achieve that through our unique service concept, our design experience, the universality of our systems, with our high quality standards in production and our holistic view even on specific problems. What we achieve is truly special: serving complex needs with sophistication, but without increasing complexity.
Company’s Keywords:
engineering, floorstands, tablestands, virtual mounting solutions, switchmounts, high quality products, wheelchairmounts, aac