RF Surgical Systems, Inc. is the market leader in the detection and prevention of retained surgical items. The company’s flagship product, the RF Assure® Detection System, is the preferred solution in more than 4,500 OR, trauma, and L&D suites nationwide, including most top ranked U.S. hospitals and trauma centers.
Providing unparalleled patient safety and surgical team confidence in the detection and prevention of retained surgical sponges, The RF Assure Detection System digitally detects the location of sponges both within the patient body and around the operating room. RF Assure is comprised of four components: RF Detect®, RF Assure ConformPlus™ II, Blair-Port Wand® and the RF Assure Console®. The RF Assure Detection System is the first adjunct technology clinically proven to reduce OR time and x-ray use, improving efficiency and reducing expenses.
RF Surgical Systems is based in Carlsbad, California. U.S. patents protect the advanced technologies used in the RF Assure Detection System™. Regulatory clearance to market the system was granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in November 2006. Additional information about RF Surgical Systems, Inc. can be found at www.rfsurg.com.
Company’s Keywords:
medical device, adjunct detection technology, digital patient safety, retained surgical sponge prevention