SherMATRIX Inc. is a spin-off company of the U. of Sherbrooke (Faculty of Engineering). The company’s general goal is to find practical solutions to unmet needs identified by surgeons and other members of the overall medical community. Our first product is a new and powerful biosealant (bioglue) derived from the extracellular matrix (ECM) of animal organs/tissues. The new biosealant has shown tremendous potential in initial tests for sealing air leaks following pulmonary surgeries. Other applications using either the new biosealant or variations of it are being developed for solving other problems (liver, skeletal muscles, chronic ulcers, etc.).
SherMATRIX Inc. presently belongs to two shareholders: Dr. Patrick Vermette and Dr. Denis Groleau. In 2020, SherMATRIX has obtained a research grant for pursuing the development of the new biosealant so that future homologation of the product will be faciliated. The company is actively looking for private investors or patient venture capital to support its long-term development.
Company’s Keywords:
formulation, cell culture, product characteriation, extraction, extracellular matrix, biosealant