Smartcompounders BV is specialized in developing, building , installing and servicing automation solutions for compounding of personalized medication.
Custommers are hospital pharmacies and compounding centers.
Smartcompounders are characterized by easy installation (made to fit in your existing LAF/isolator) and easy operation.
Smartcompounders Chemo is the only chemorobot that can be installed in an existing LAF or isolator and more than doubles the output compared to competition at roughly half the costs (based on purchase and installation)
Easycompounder is a double peristaltic pump for filling syringes , infusors, vials etc. It has a mircoPC onboard in order to store customer specific programms and to integrate it like a ” printer” in the customers network . This integration enables a paperless worklflow in the cleanroom.
Smartcompounders is also distributing Pharmacolog’s DrugLog in the Netherlands. The ideal solution for quick and simple drug and drugdosage verification in pharmacies and wards.
Smartcompounders also develops tailor made solutions for its customers based on more than 20 years of experience in pharmacies and compounding centers .
Smartcompounders is located in Enschede , The Netherlands. Next to the University of Twente.
Our mottto: pharmacists are not engineers!
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