Smile-Vision offers clinically accurate custom drawn cosmetic simulations increasing patient understanding and acceptance of treatment.
Showing people how they could appear with a more appealing smile is by far the most effective way to create desire for cosmetic dentistry. It creates an emotional impact that words, waxups, mockups or demonstration pictures can never equal. Once people want that new smile, an amazing number will get it. Smile-Vision has developed techniques that will allow any dental team to take pictures quickly and easily for fast cosmetic imaging at a reasonable cost. All this goes on behind the scenes without the doctor or treatment staff taking time from their patients. The plan allows a dental office to offer visual case presentations to their patients on an ongoing basis and generate a steady stream of cosmetic dentistry cases. The Smile-Vision system will help you get all the cosmetic cases you want, without selling. The payoff is enormous.
Company’s Keywords:
dental, cosmetic dentistry, custom simulations, cosmetic imaging, dentistry, dental group, visual case presentations, simulation, template technique, dental lab