At Southeastern Neurotesting, we provide physicians with diagnostic tools and medical devices that deliver unique clinical benefits to their patients at a net financial gain to their practices.
How we help:
• Psychiatrists: we aid in the differential diagnosis of certain illnesses with overlapping symptoms, including ADHD, depression, sleep issues, and neurological disorders.
• Neurologists: we help diagnose, treat, and monitor patients with neurocognitive impairment, including early memory loss, Alzheimer’s Disease, dementia, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s Disease, and traumatic brain injury (TBI).
• Internal Medicine: we help detect dementias and MCI before they are overtly symptomatic and help differentiate between normal age-related memory loss and true impairment.
We also offer a highly effective, in-office pain treatment device that uses energy to block the transmission of the pain signal by creating a sustained depolarization of the nerve cells in the affected area.
All our solutions offer significant clinical benefit and are reimbursed by most major carriers. For more information about how Southeastern Neurotesting can help your practice, please call (352) 514-4909, or email [email protected].
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