Founded in 1999, Stericom Ltd is a small but growing medical devices company based in the UK.
Stericom is exclusive UK/Eire distributor for Sapimed SpA and Surgitools MIS, and offers a wide range of products to hospitals and clinics worldwide through an international distributor network.
We manufacture a range of exclusive Stericom-designed medical devices for both the UK and international markets. These include a range of urodynamics catheters and accessories, lower gastro-intestinal catheters and disposable single-use biopsy forceps for the colorectal surgeon and the gynaecologist/nurse colposcopist.
Stericom-brand products are exported to more than 20 countries worldwide, and this expansion is planned to continue in 2016. We look forward to launching a new product range for LAVH (Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy) into the UK and international markets in the coming months.
Company’s Keywords:
disposable singleuse sterile biopsy forceps, lower gi biofeedback catheters, urodynamics catheters & accessories, devices for surgical gynaecology & colorectal surgery, lower gi amp biofeedback catheters