We are pleased to invite you to join with Synergy Biomed family. And more broadly into globally. We are SB have been striving to bring a paradigm shift to the business of “clinical engineering” more commonly known as Biomedical Engineering Field. Our success is due to offer new and reconditioned equipment. We also maintained under AMC, CAMC ,repair, service,sales the medical equipment.
We understand our success depends on your satisfaction.
SB is currently located at Chennai, provides a wide variety of medical equipment sales & services throughout the state. Our company service hospitals, physical therapy clinics, rura healthy facilities, physician’s office, surgery centres including ophthalmologist.
Feel free to call our Authorised person Mr.Loganathan @ +919551181555 and see what we can do for you.
Company’s Keywords:
comprehensive maintenance contract, medical equipment39s service, annual maintenance contract, medical equipments service, consumables supply, physician offices, therapy clinics, surgical icu surgical instruments, surgical amp icu surgical instruments