
Technology Medicine Ltd is the company behind the TechMed App.

The TechMed app is a smartphone application being released in January 2018 that will help you manage your health.

We will provide comprehensive information on the best private medical clinics from your locality and a seamless appointment booking and a communication channel between the patient and medical professional.

The app will be released in January 2018, if you have any questions prior to that please contact Tim Elliott on [email protected] .

If you are a medical professional or own or manage a private medical clinic here in the UK or further afield

TechMed is an adaptive patient care platform that supports and improves the management of an on-going patient’s Care Pathway program.

Primary aims of the care platform:
To allow a model of remote clinical governance and care delivery outside of the clinical environment
To improve the implementation and outcomes of a patient’s Care Pathway
To improve the efficiency of the care team when delivering Care Pathway programs
To reduce wastage of care team resources by improving appointment attendance
To provide clinical staff / consultants with better patient feedback and detailed data when the patient is not in the clinical environment. E.g. viewing vital signs and drug taking compliance

Company’s Keywords:

private medical clinic booking, mobile technology development, patient acquisition, private medical clinic directory

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