
Thereson is the company which has developed the Therapeutic Magnetic Resonance (TMR), an advanced and non-invasive method to treat chronic wounds, such as Diabetic Foot ulcers, and other serious conditions, by means of Pulsating Electro-Magnetic Fields (PEMF) of very low intensity.
Thereson’s primary goal is to improve Patient’s outcome and quality of life, offering devices effective and easy to use.
Thereson’s essential values are quality and attention to the needs of the Users of its products: Patients, Doctors and healthcare Providers.
Thereson’s only methods to verify and demonstrate the validity of its products are evidence-based clinical investigation and fully accepted scientific research.

Company’s Keywords:

sviluppo e commercializzazione dispositivi medicali, strumenti medicali, wound care, pain management, orthopaedic, ulcere cutanee, gestione del dolore, elettromedicali, tmr, risonanza magnetica terapeutica

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